Monday, August 20, 2012

Music Monday: Rilo Kiley

The past two months or so have been punctuated with beautiful sunshine, blue skies and torrential downpour almost every single day.

That is not an exaggeration.
At least once a day, we have ridiculous rain that leads to roads being flooded and then a few hours later, it's all gone because the sun comes back out and dries it all up.

That being said, today is dreary. It's also the first day of school for almost everybody down south and I must say I love, love, love the new beginnings that come along with that. To brighten up the day, I'm pulling out an old lovely that always makes me smile: Rilo Kiley.

I never listened to Rilo Kiley very much, but somehow "Breaking Up" popped up on my radar and I needed to have something pleasant and poppy to get me through the day. I've heard that their past music was a bit deeper and much better, but frankly--I like this sound. It brings me a piece of sunshine and makes me o'so happy.

So here's to new beginnings and bright sunny days and big fat smiles no matter the amount of rain that comes our way!

Enjoy Rilo Kiley!

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