Friday, February 15, 2013

A wrap up.

A few captures from my 365 so far... :)
Ahhh, it's Friday! What a lovely week it has been.

After spending a grand total of probably 32 hours (at the most) with DP, taking pictures, listening to music, enjoying life, and not really enjoying Korean food (sorry, girl) - I was rejuvenated and ready to come back to reality. SIGH.

Thankfully, my reality has been pretty sweet as of late. Work has been good, my friendships have been solid, and I have a lot to look forward to in general.

I had the pleasure of having a fantastic Valentine's Day date with a great guy who also sent a box of chocolate covered strawberries to my job.

Let's just say - I've never had anything like this happen to me, so it was such a treat!

We went out to a fantastic restaurant, got some great food, then ate the rest of the chocolate covered strawberries (they were SO big, I couldn't eat them all at work!) and drank champagne while watching Scandal.

Truly, a great night indeed.

It's the little things that mean so much though. Honestly, coming back to the newsroom from a live shot (that went amazingly well at that) to a box at my desk with some sweet treats inside was the proverbial icing on the cake for a perfect day - and it was a perfect day that was just one of many high points for the week.

I can only hope that next week holds so much promise! But even if it doesn't, I will savor all the great moments of this week and appreciate my friends, loved ones, and even those that I don't love so much for all they mean to me and the impact they've had on my life.

DP being sassy, but classy at Big Spring Park.
Some jugglers...just juggling...
Me being a creep...per usual.
"Laissez les bon temps rouler!" @ Millies in PC
Cheers to the freakin' weekend!

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