Thursday, January 3, 2013

Unexpected surprises

I've never known much about my parent's relationship - I never asked too many questions. I know my mother had me in college, that my biological father, E, wasn't ready and that she raised me in an amazing fashion. I know that at some point she says she was thinking about what she wanted from a man and determined that my dad, A, was the best fit...and he told her she would have to wait. He was going through flight school and she agreed.
And now they're married.
And absolutely in love with each other.
For years A said he would never get a facebook account, he felt it was invasive and that people who had them just shared too much information, but as my mother and younger sister hopped on board, eventually he felt the pressure and caved in.

Now I'm seeing a side of my dad I've never seen before.
To be clear, it's not that my dad isn't romantic or that he lacked affection in the past, I just never was around to see it. But after being on facebook less than a week, I'm seeing things I never saw before.

For example, up until ...maybe a couple...oh...hours ago I never saw my dad smile for a picture with his teeth showing. Ever.

Tonight, my father is taking my mother out on a date. I know this because he posted about it on Facebook. My dad. Smiling. On Facebook. Bragging about how he's going on a date with his wife.

I was floored.

I'm not sure why this caught me by surprise, maybe because I'm not accustomed to my dad being so showy about love or maybe it's just because when I think about my parents the only dynamic that comes to mind is football season: my mom's an Eagles fan, my dad's a Cowboy's fan - it would suffice to say it gets ugly.

That being said, I love being able to see it. I love being surprised by the things my parents and friends do to make others know they are appreciated and loved.

So, today...don't take someone for granted. Love them, hug them, tell them you care...not because tomorrow they might be gone, but because they matter to you in that moment.

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